2023-01-19 19:15
来源: 打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网


读特客户端·打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网2023年1月19日讯(记者 金洪竹 张玲 冯牧原 林恒鑫 李丹璐 陈彦如)春节是打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:人最重视的传统节日。在春节,全家团聚吃顿团圆饭,告别冬天迎接春天,开始新的一年。


Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. On that day, families get together to have a reunion dinner, and farewell to winter while welcome spring in order to start a new year.

蝴蝶兰是春节年花的主打花。(张玲 摄,冯牧原 设计 )

珍珠杜鹃。(李丹璐 摄)

市民在打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:迎春花市主会场留影。(张玲 摄)

用银柳插花。(张玲 摄)


The customs of the Spring Festival vary from areas. People in North China visit the temple fair, and people in the south prefer flower market. In this espisode of Have Fun in Shenzhen, we invite Sofia, an international friend who will be staying in Shenzhen for this Spring Festival, to visit the flower market and experience the mixed Chinese New Year flavor of traditional Lingnan and fashionable Shenzhen.

打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:花的主题,两个女孩子聊得停不下来。(李丹璐 摄)

跟财神爷合影。(张玲 摄)

年桔硕果累累。(李丹璐 摄)

银柳象征红红火火的新一年即将开启。(李丹璐 摄)

这手势莫不是在提前练习“恭喜发财”?(张玲 摄)

兰花开得正好。(张玲 摄)


Orchid, narcissus, dracaena sanderiana, rose, peach blossom, camellia, tangerine... Walking in the flower market, everyone's face is full of joy. Many of them are holding their favorite New Year flowers and tangerine plants - this time, you must not come home empty-handed.

千花百卉报春到。(李丹璐 摄)

她们决定给对方买束花作为礼物。(李丹璐 摄)

2023打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:迎春花市主会场喜气洋洋。(张玲 摄)


In the crowded flower street, Zoe Kim and Sofia made their decision at the same time: choose a bunch of flowers for each other as a New Year gift, along with their best wishes.

金洪竹向Sofia(左)详细解释,每一种花都有各自的美好寓意。(李丹璐 摄)

Sofia第一次逛花市,与打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:新闻网记者金洪竹开心合影。(张玲 摄)

市民用手机记录兰花的美。(张玲 摄)


This year, the Spring Festival Flower Market in Shenzhen will be held from January 15th to January 21st. The main venue will be located in Zhuoyue Center, Futian District. Besides, Aiguo Road Flower Market will also return.

Meanwhile, each district of Shenzhen has set up a branch venue and shopping points, so that people can buy flowers nearby.

小小的兰花聚集在一起像闪烁的星星。(李丹璐 摄)

Sofia在打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:迎春花市流连忘返。(李丹璐 摄)

Sofia与男友甜蜜对望。(张玲 摄)

梅花也开了。(张玲 摄)


If you haven't been to the flower market yet, you can use these days to schedule it into your calendar and experience the ritual of Chinese New Year in Shenzhen.


Sofia:好,那赶紧走吧!(张玲 摄)

海报设计 李丹璐


【网络打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:节·春节】姹紫嫣红迎春到 打麻将哪个软件好用_电子游戏APP下载-官网平台:花市今日开市紧扣生肖“兔年”主题

[编辑:张玲 吴超] [责任编辑:朱语嫣]